Saturday, December 13, 2008


I feel like I'm in easy to like person. I've never had an issue making friends. However, on the rare occassion that someone doesn't like me, I do one of two things. I either continue on with life and I don't give it a second thought or I look at it as a gauntlet being thrown and make it my mission to have the said person come to a place where they absolutely love and adore me.

A friend of mine has a frienemy. The frienemy has issues, it's obvious. But at the same time you can't help but to feel a little inclined to him. The first time I encountered him I thought we got along great. Only to find out later he hated every minute of it. (I personally think this is a lie from the pit of hell, but whatever, I'll let him have it). Our next encounter was without a doubt a good time, and if he says differently I will hit him. But I still feel like he is on the fence regarding me. Most people would not waste the time trying to engage this person. But I see it as a challenge. We will be friends. He will love me. I will become his bff.

His frienemy tells me that I need help and not to waste my time, which only inspires me more. I might change my mind, I might want to push him in traffic by next Saturday, but I will at least try.

If you have any advice, please share. And, I'll keep you posted on my progress. :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Shake it like a what?

I read the following on today...

"Sixty years after Polaroid introduced its first instant camera, the company's iconic film is disappearing from stores. Although Polaroid says the film should be available into 2009, this is the final month of its last production year. Eclipsed by digital photography, Polaroid's white-bordered prints -- and the anticipation they created as their ghostly images gradually came into view -- will soon be things of the past."

How sad is that?? I mean I love the digital camera, but I REALLY LOVE the Polaroid! Some of my most cherished pictures are polaroids! I even offered my polaroid photography at my friend Lindsay's wedding, when she was looking for a photographer. (I've got mad polaroid skillz just in case you were wondering) There is something so magical about taking a picture and getting something in your hand that is blank and gradually changes into a magnificent picture with just a few shakes.

My 8 year old & 3 year old cousin will never know the magic of a polaroid picture! Not to mention that "Shake it like a Polaroid picture" will mean absolutely nothing to them! I'm trying to decide which is sadder.

So while I am mourning the passing of the Polaroid, I suppose I should give a shout out of thanks to Andre 3000 for memorializing the fun of "shaking it like polaroid picture".

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Here are the pieces of my heart.

I feel like my heart probably resembles this one in a lot of ways.
My heart has been broken, beaten, and bruised. I'm not talking just relationships. I mean life, job, friends, love, on and on I could go.
I think in the past I've been careless with my heart, flippantly carrying it in my hand from place to place, tossing it in my backpack as I encountered the issues in life. So I suppose I have myself to blame for it's current condition.
I am starting to realize that I have gone to the other extreme. Where I used to be careless with my heart, I am now over-protective. Where I used to allow it to take chances, I now keep it hidden from the world, so as not to inflict more damage. I tend to keep it wrapped in 20 lbs of heavy blankets and then locked away in a trunk.
I've done my heart a disservice both ways. So how does one find the balance? I'm not sure I know. I'm not sure I know how to, but I have to try. Because when I locked my heart up, I locked up a part of my great adventurer, I locked away the will to take great chances. I miss those things, I feel like they are suffocating and slowly dying in the isolation booth I have set them in.
So I'm trying to find the balance. I realize that my heart might get smashed to smithereens. I realize there might not be any great adventure, and I am aware that there may never be one great love. But what good will a heart in tact merit me at the end of my life, if it has not seen, if has not done, if it has not lived?
That's a chance I don't want to take....

Oh Crap

Do ever have that feeling of complete dread? Like the sh*t is about to hit the fan? You just know it's coming.

I am suddenly overwhelmed with that feeling. Except I don't know what it is. I mean I have a feeling some drama is coming, but I don't know what the drama could be. I just have this awful feeling.

I don't know what it could be, I just know I don't like it.

I'll let you know what it ended up being if anything.

- S

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Upside Down

This is how I currently feel. Have you ever been on a path, just living life only to wake up one day and feel like you are in the Twilight Zone? The last week and a half have been my Twilight Zone. There are normal things happening around me, regular life stuff, so I know I haven't lost my mind. There have been happy things and things to celebrate and I think those are things that have kept me sane.
The other stuff? It's all just too bizarre to put into print. Give me a call sometime when you are ready for a, laugh till you cry and the scratch your head as you wonder what the heck just happened, moment.
I know that "they" say trials build character, but what does insanity build? I'd like to think that in some way I will be a better person on the other side of all of this insanity. But I can't think of how it would make me a better person.
As I type insanity has reared it's unstable head and is messing with my relatively calm evening.
Did you know....
That when insanity is around you shouldn't drink coffee - it's a stimulant and in the midst of crazy it messes with your nervous system
That your heart rate can increase rapidly in a matter of seconds when the insanity starts?
You are more likely to sleep better if you have a glass of water and say a prayer over the crazy before you retire for the evening?
(**please note these are not the opinions of doctors, nor professionals - just simply Sandrine-isms)
I don't know how to cut the crazy, but I have to. Somehow, someway! Isn't the Twilight Zone only a 30 minute show?? Cause my 30 minutes passed about 20 episodes ago!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Crossroads are amazing and scary things. They have so much potential and can lead you on great adventures or painful journeys.

I am standing at my own crossroads. It seems like more than one actually, work, life, relationships. Maybe they are tied together. Either way, I'm standing right in the middle, trying as hard as I can with my feeble human abilities to look as hard as I can to see what's along the journey of each of them. They all will contain some bit of heartache, that is inevitable. But will the joy outweigh the pain, will following the wrong path lead me to something miserable that I might not recover from?

I feel like the past 4 years I've made some monumental mistakes. Some of them knowingly, but most of them not. And although it has been miserable at times, I don't know that I would change the mistakes I've made for the lessons I've learned because of them.

I am standing at a crossroad bad decisions once again waiting for me to choose them, good decisions not pestering me to choose them, but standing there hoping I will. But they aren't giving me any clear direction. I have to choose a path, I have no way of knowing if it's the right one or not. But I will choose and I will drag those good and bad choices along with me and hope I choose the right one along the way.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Burnin Up

It's a slow burn. I heard something and I took it with a grain of salt, almost dismissed it. But the more it has been expounded upon, the more I think about it, the more it starts to burn me up. Maybe it shouldn't. Maybe I'm overreacting. And yet it feels totally justified to be this pissed off. Maybe it is my fault, maybe I should know better. Then again, if you know me, you know.

The reality is I have myself to blame, so I guess that takes away my right to be pissed. And that just pisses me off more.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Needy vs. In Need

Two things that almost sound the same, but that are so very different. Both require so much of a person and are often hard to give.

If you know me well, you know that I don't do needy. Yes, we all want to be needed on some level, but I don't want to be needed like that. Does that make sense? Probably not let me break Needy down for you in my mind. Needy - looking to fill a void or an empty space, hope or desire for something to fill that void. Here's the thing with Neediness, it passes. Once that void is filled, once the turmoil is over, you are no longer needed, you are dismissed in a sense. As cheese at it sounds, I don't want to play Pooh to anyone's Christopher Robin. (Thank you Beautiful Women, that's one of the greatest lines ever!)

But a friend in need is completely different. More times than not, the person in need isn't looking for you to do anything for that need. My heart hurts thinking about the friends in need that I can't help meet that need. As much as I want to do something to have some solution to meet that need, I can't.

And that is what is keeping me up thinking tonight.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Who Knew?

Every year for the past 6 years at the very least my friend Tal and I have a conversation and it goes like this,

Tal: "I'm sorry your unhappy with your job. So let me ask you this, what do you REALLY want to do? What would you not mind spending the rest of your life doing?"

Me: "Tal, this is going to sound so stupid and like a complete slacker, but I love having fun. If I'm not having fun whatever I'm doing is just not worth it. I want to have fun for the rest of my life, I want everyone around me to be having fun. But having fun is not a real job, so I don't know what I can do."

Today I started a new job. I went through the interview and somehow managed to stand out. So, when I get there today and really start talking to my new boss about my responsibilities. My job is to plan parties. Yes that will require sales, some hustling, but my job is to bring the fun.

As I was driving home today I was talking to my Mom and she was telling of a conversation she had with a friend today. And that friend said to her, "I can't imagine a better job for Sandrine, a job that's about having fun, and making sure other people have fun." It was at that moment I was reminded of all those past conversations with Tal where I lamented that what I wanted to do didn't really exist.

So it turns out, that maybe this isn't just another job, it's the answer to a long standing prayer.

- S

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm obsessed

I love Vampires. I always have. Why you ask? I'm not sure. So I've actually been avoiding reading Twilight. All of the hype I knew it was going to be a dissapointment. But then yesterday, as I was walking around the store looking for a book to read and there it was. I tried to ignore it, and then I saw it had been marked down. "Read Me! Read Me!" I couldn't resist, so I bought it.
Yeah...I started reading at 4pm yesterday afternoon. I finished at 4:45am. I stayed up all night reading this book. I can't decide if the book is just that good, or if I was just that bored. Haha! But here's what I do know - I love Edward Cullen. I'd probably go all stupid like Bella too.
Now I'm off to pick up the next book in the series, but this time I'm pacing myself! Man I love Vampires!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hello Life, It's Sandrine

I have had a few days this week, where I wake up in the middle of the night and think - where have I been? In some ways I feel like I've been checked out for a while. I went to see my Mom in South Carolina, but that was only for a few days.

I am aware of what's going on in the world around me, but aside from Lindsay, Monica, & Jennifer - I am almost completely disconnected from my friends.

When I was moving around all of the time, one of the few things I prided myself in was maintaining relationships. Regardless of where my friends were I did a fantastic job of keeping up with them. But strangely it feels like being stationary - settled in one place has made me lazy.

Shana - my best friend lives in the same city and we talk maybe once a month - and see each other every 2 months or so. Granted we both have crazy jobs and we both realize that we are complete slackers - so we're working at spending more time together.

Hilarie - also in the same city, just on the other side of town. I think it's been 2 months since I've actually spent time with her and I talked to her briefly last week when sharing the news of my new job. I keep up on her life via facebook and her blog.

Amy - my bff in Kansas City. The person I used to spend every single day with. The friend that lived with my Mom in Louisiana, while I lived with her parents in Kansas City. I never imagined a time when I wouldn't know what was happening in Amy's life. But as it turns out - I am way out of the loop. She had her bachlorette party this weekend. I didn't even know about it.

I could go on and on about the friends I've lost track of. Sans Shana and Hil all of the rest I at least have the excuse that they live in a different city/state. I think Amy's bachlorette thing kind of snapped me to attention just how far removed I've become.

I don't have a reason why - I don't have an excuse. It's kind of like I just checked out. I have to admit it made me very sad. And yes it is all a two way street, but I can't help but wonder if I made more of an effort, would they? And where do you go from here? Has too much time passed to try and catch up? I'm not used to this. I'm not used to maintenance. I'm used to friends like Shana and Heather - that yeah I might not talk to you for a month maybe more, but it's ok - when we catch up, we're ok - we're right where we left off.

So, to Shana, Hil, Amy, Miriam, Lisa, Ashley, Alma, Cassandra, Sarah, Mikey, Rachel, Alisa, Regina, Robin, Stacie, Tiff and whoever else I'm missing. I'm sorry I've been MIA! I'll try to be better!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Nana

When I moved back to Texas I moved into my grandparents house. Being that we lived with them most of my childhood it didn't seem like a difficult thing to do, and it hasn't been. I have to admit that when I did move in, I only anticipated being here (in their house) for a few months. But as we all know - things never go like we plan.

In the 2 years that I've lived here I've looked into moving to a more "convenient" side of town, moving away from San Antonio, etc.... And even though I've looked into all of these things, my biggest reason is not wanting to leave my Nana. I love my Grandfather too, but my Nana is special.

If you've never met my Nana, you have no clue how awesome she is. And if you have met my Nana, you still don't have a clue.

Helen is my next Best Friend. She is witty, understanding, and kind - but if you cross her she's amazing at putting you back in your place. When I was a kid and she was the uber rule enforcer and sometimes disciplinarian, I never thought that someday she would be a bff. But here we are all these years later - we live together, we talk throughout the day, and we do things together.

Tonight a Co-Worker had tickets to The Color Purple that she was trying to get rid of, so she called and asked if I wanted them, and I of course said YES! And without ever giving it any thought I knew exactly who I wanted to take with me...The Nana! She's lived in San Antonio over 40 years yet somehow had never been to a play at the Majestic Theater. (?!?!?!?!?!) The play of course was AMAZING, but there was something that more special about it because I was sharing it with Nana.

My Great-Grandad lived to be 104 years old, the Nana is much younger than that. Tonight as I was enjoying my time with Nana I found myself wishing and praying that she will exceed that 104 years. That she would be here as long as I'm here, even that she would just keep on truckin' until Jesus returns.

I have The Best Nana In The World! And if you don't believe me, she could probably fight your Nana for the title. (Smile)

Monday, September 8, 2008

I miss my things!

In November it will be 2 years that I packed my car and moved back to San Antonio from Kansas City. What I couldn't fit into my car went into storage or stayed in my bff's Amy's parents house. (Who I was living with at the time) When I decided to move I asked Mom & Dad if I could keep a few things at their house for a few months and I'd be back to get it.

It's 2 years later. I have shoes I have not seen in 2 years. I have clothes I have not seen in 2 years. I have not slept in my own bed in 2 years. I know what you are thinking "Why haven't you gone back to get your crap??"

Well there's a couple of reasons - I don't know if you've priced a UHaul plus gas from Missouri to South Texas lately, but it's not cheap. Second - I can't drive that thing on my own and I don't know anyone who could or would have the time to drive it back.

I miss my things - I hate that I hastily left them there to begin with and I hate that I haven't had the time nor the finances to bring my stuff "home".

Today for some reason I am really really missing my madras Converse High Tops and I can see them sitting in a shoe box in the Climate Controlled Uhaul Storage Unit in Raytow on Nolan Road. *sigh

Hopefully I can get up there soon - before the full 2 year mark and get my stuff.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


In 2006 while in Nashville for an awards show with my former boss Lynda. I wandered around CoolSprings Galleria in Franklin, Tennessee not looking for anything just wandering along with a co-worker and my boss' bff. There we were standing in the shoe department in Belk's, I'm minding my own business when I see these magical black mesh sequin Valerie Stevens Heels. They don't sound pretty - but they are beautiful.

I picked the shoe up expecting it to be the wrong size and ridiculously over priced, only to find out that they were indeed the right size and were on their final mark down. They were the last pair in the store. And although I had my outfit and shoes planned I knew I could not leave the store without those shoes.

So they went back to hotel with me, where we all oohh'd and aaahh'd over them - I even sang to them! I wore them that night and then put them back in their box as to preserve them. They haven't mingled with my other shoes, they have a special place in the top of my closet. When I moved back to San Antonio, they got a special seat inside the car.

I have only worn them that one time. And I have continuously pull them out of the closet to check on them and to evaluate when I might be able to wear them again.

The time has arrived. Tomorrow (or today by the time you read this) our office staff will be journeying to Austin to celebrate our 20th Anniversary in Austin. It is a formal affair (blech) But finally - finally my babies will see the light of day again! I don't know what it is about them, but they make me feel like Cinderella. I know "they" say it's impossible to love inanimate objects...But I love these shoes!

Monday, August 25, 2008

The funny things people say

So, I'm sure most of you know that when I need a good laugh I cruise over to Craigslist and look through the missed connections. And before you ask, no I'm not missing anyone, nor do I think I was missed. BUT, I have found that these postings often give me a good laugh, and very rarely a tear or two.

Here is one of my favorite's this week - And it's only MONDAY!

Chachos saterday after midnight - m4w - 34 ( 2 girls)
Reply to: [?]Date: 2008-08-25, 6:13PM CDT

2 girls one in white and one in blue ---u girls walked in went upstairs ---then later saw u 2 sitting down but never saw u girls get food ----both of u looked thick not fat just thick ---im intrested in the one in white u have a very pretty smile please get back to me thanx

Ok - first notice the spelling of Saturday. CLASSIC! Second - what girl isn't roped in by you calling her thick?? I mean it's one thing to refer to yourself that way, but I don't know that it's all that flattering to have some random guy refer to you that way.

This one is just scandoulous!

Gym Shower JO m4m - m4m - 38 (NC)
Reply to: [?]Date: 2008-08-25, 3:56PM CDT

Nice show you put on at Lifetime shower after steam room yesterday. Would like to see it again. If you see this, look me up.

And lastly, ghetto but sweet...

To my coworker two doors down - m4w - 40 (78251)
Reply to: [?]Date: 2008-08-23, 5:21PM CDT

Hi Hottie! I know you'll never see this but I think you rock! Your soon to be ex husband has got to be the dumbest f'ing retard in the world! I know you are hurting and in a bad place right now, but, in time I know you will be sooo much better off with out him. No, I am not suggesting I am the guy to make it all better for you, but just wishing you knew that you are wonderful, smart, funny, look Hot as a sandy beach somewhere in July, and you smell damn good. On the not often enough occasion that you brush by me or lean in to tell me something, I can't breathe right for an hour because my chest tightens up from being that close. You are fantastic in every way!

If you are in need of some entertainment this week, please do yourself a favor and go to Craigslist and read the Missed Connections for your city -or anywhere. A warning though you can get hooked - read it in moderation!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Who's Out There?

Does anyone read this thing anymore?

It never pays to procrastinate

So a friend of mine has been begging me to come to visit her in Indiana for well over a year, as a matter of fact for almost 2 years. Back in January, we made a plan with another friend to meet in Indy September 19th.

It is now August 24th and I have yet to purchase a ticket. What the heck was I thinking??? I need to stop procrastinating. Now I'm going to go slaughter a baby deer as a sacrifice to God and pray that I can find a ticket.


Monday, August 18, 2008

My Olympic Crush

Alexandre Departie - Canadian Diver - My Olympic Crush

What dreams may come

I'm not a dreamer, that is most of the time I have no recollection of having dreams at night. Not I wake up and things are fuzzy and I lose what I was dreaming about. I mean I close my eyes, things fade to black and then I wake up.

Last night though - I dreamed and it was clear and vivid and so real I really hated to wake up. And even after I woke up I had to think about it and piece together the facts to make sure it didn't really happen. It's been floating around my head all day. As the day has progressed and I've napped on and off I've lost some of the details and those naps only contained the blank screen.

My life is in turmoil right now. Not that I'm in some huge crisis, but I am at a crossroads of sorts, which gives way to stress at every twist and turn. I don't know peace or true rest. But for that moment last night...there was peace, there was rest, and there was joy.

I don't know if you can will yourself to dream, but if you can I will be visiting that dream again.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I Give Up

I am tired. I'm tired of life not falling into place. I'm tired of feeling like "this is it," only to be met with dissapointment. I'm tired of being overwhelmed with taking care of one, only to feel like I've neglected 1,000. I'm tired of my junk and I'm tired of everyone else's frivolous crap. And I'm tired that I'm tired.

So I give up. I'm going back to square one, whatever that may be. I don't know what it looks like, but it can't be more dissapointing than now. Maybe by going back and I can figure out where it all went wrong.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Counseling for .05

A friend in crisis jokingly said tonight - you need a red phone and a blue phone. One is your friends in crisis and the other is the good time friends. Sadly these days I feel the blue phone would rarely ring.
The Bible says that God never gives you more than you can handle. He must think I'm one of those ridiculous female body builders with crazy big shoulders. Career plans, breakups, death, divorce, health, mental health everyone seems to have an issue. And while it is heartwarming and touching that so many of my friends, and even mere aquaintences think of me when life throws them off the track, it also exhausts me. How do I do it all and deal with my very own real life unfolding drama? How do I offer support, and listen without my emotions getting involved? Is it even possible to not get emotionally involved? I am drained. If I stop moving I sleep. If I am not actively doing something my mind is in their turmoil, how do I help, can I help, will this ever end. And in the midst of it all I want to say the things be the person Jesus would be if he were there in the flesh. Where did I get this job and this responsibility? And why?
Forgive me for my whining. But I worry - I worry that I will not say the right thing, that I'm not doing the right thing. I want to have answers for these hurting hearts, but often times find that I don't. Is being an ear and a physical presence enough? How do I offer emotional support and not lose myself in those emotions to?
While I try to figure it all out, I have to bring this to a close. The phone is ringing and there are tears to be shared.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dumb Americans

The Washington Post recently did an article surround the book, The American Voters Revisited. In the 60's four professors from the University of Michigan did a study of the American voter. They found that many Americans are uninformed and clueless as to what their party and/or chosen candidate stood for.

Now almost 50 years later it appears that Americans remain unchanged. We are just as ignorant if not more so regarding their parties and where the candidates stand on the issues - or even what the issues even are. They are simply voting a certain way because that's the way the parents/families have always voted.

Could this be why we are losing our status as one of the most powerful nations? Are we making a mockery of all that our troops have fought for and are fighting to protect? As we come upon this election I challenge and encourage everyone to dig deep. Find out what your candidate is about. What are their plans for our country? How will those plans effect you, your children, and your parents.

To be perfectly honest there are things that I don't like at all about my candidate of choice, I disagree with his stance on some of the issues. But in my heart, I feel like he's the right one for the job. Some of the issues even though they are bothersome to me are not the "real issue". In some regards I think we've become obsessed with trying to stop or cure, or even argue the symptoms, rather than dealing with the sickness itself. It is my hope that my candidate of choice will do just that. But time will tell.

With the state of our economy and the wars and rumors of wars surrounding us, we cannot afford to approach our politics flippantly.

The choice, truly is yours......

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Self Imposed Isolation

I feel like all of my recent blogs start with an apology for my absence.... So maybe I shouldn't wait so long between blogs?? Just a thought.

I have been M.I.A for a while now, on the blog front and the social front. To start things off June was crazy month filled with my bff from childhood getting married in San Francisco. That was good fun but a quick and crazy trip. From there back to San Antonio where my Mom ventured down to, while having a month long break from work. (nice ehe?)

Anyway, with Mom being here I got to be a serious recluse, sans Lindsay's wedding coordinating. I had a few friends complain that they still haven't met my Mom, but I had to explain...She is my VBFF, and because we get to see each other so infrequently I am so crazy jealous and selfish of my time with her. So much of her time here was us hanging out with the fam, we did see a few of her old friends that she hadn't seen in 10+ years. So with all of that it brings us to now. Mom went back to Tennessee (sad) and I've been working and job hunting.

Yes - the great job search is on once again. I started to realize a few days ago it was over a year ago that I left Granberry and went on my great roadtrip, and now it is quickly approaching a year from the time I arrived back and started doing "temp" work for the wedding guide. A YEAR AGO! And I'm still here. It's so past time to move on.

The fam is crazy and overflowing with issues so that's been a time consumer. So basically I've been dwelling in the land of me. I have no idea what's going on with anyone, sans Jenny, Monica & Lindsay - Lins & Mon I see everyday and Jenny and I talk frequently.

So what's going on with all of you? I have to admit I haven't even been reading blogs! So fill me in!

Monday, June 30, 2008

It's back

For 10 years my life was about moving every year. Not just for the joy of moving, but for work. It was fantastic, if you loved a place , although it was hard to leave, you were glad for the time you had there. If you hated it, well you only had to suffer through it for a year.

When I stopped traveling it was all about stability - how could I have a real life and ever have a meaningful relationship if I were moving all of the time? If I could reach back in time I'd slap that naive 25 year old and tell her to stay where she was and enjoy what she had. Since "settling down" I feel as though I stay in a constant state of discontent. Perhaps my heart truly is that of a wanderer.

But in the midst of my desire to "wander" I wonder (I wonder as a I wander... I think that's one of my fave Christmas songs!) I digress... I wonder in the midst of all of this roaming if I am just searching. When I was a kid or even 10 years ago I could tell you what I wanted to do with my life, what I wanted to be when I grew up, what I was passionate about. And as of late it seems to have become this gray fuzzy lump that has no clarity. Maybe I'm just looking for the thing that motivates me again.

So how do you find your passion again? How do you get back to the main road when the detour you've taken is so off the beaten path you can't even see the little bread pieces you laid out for yourself to find your way back?

Meanwhile that itch is back - waiting and ready for you to move, to change your surroundings, and get away to something new and different yet, always familiar.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Decision Time

Dormant: marked by a suspension of activity: as a: temporarily devoid of external activity dormant volcano> b: temporarily in abeyance yet capable of being activated

Active: characterized by action rather than by contemplation or speculation active life> 2: producing or involving action or movement

Dreams: (3) a strongly desired goal or purpose dream of becoming president> b: something that fully satisfies a wish : ideal

It is an interesting interaction when the 3 meet. Only you can decide the outcome. Fear dwells among them, but it is your choice if the fear will motivate you or hinder you.

The clock is ticking frantically. It's time to make a decision.....

Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm a bad blogger

I know! It's been weeks since I've updated and weeks upon weeks before that last one. Not that there's isn't anything going on. In fact there's too much going on, none that I'm ready to share with the world yet though.

So what can I tell you? I can tell you that I'm in a reading frenzy. I just finished a book, Hopeless Romantic by Harriet Evans. It was a great book and long. It last a whole 4 days! I've been reading a lot of books lately where the main character has some sort of relational issues. And sadly with each one I think "I'm that girl!" Even sadder - they all have different issues, which means I need to get into therapy ASAP. Not really, because even with my issues more times than not I find that I'm very content with where I am relationally.

I have decided however in recent weeks that I am cutting back on the married friend time. Nothing against them. I just need to be around people who are where I am in life and who haven't been struck with amnesia and have no recollection of what single life was like. Yes, I'll fall in love someday, but not today. And no I don't want you to "find me a husband" nor do I want you to think that you've found my perfect match just because you know a guy who's single, and I'm single therefore we are made for each other. I am constantly amazed by the people that friends and acquaintances want to fix me up with. I want to say "Do you even know me???" How did you think this person might kind of sorta be my type? It's moments like those that a convent and a retreat center hidden in the Himalayas sounds so very appealing.

I'll let you know when I find the retreat center and where to forward my mail soon...

- Drine

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

FugMonsters Need Love Too

Today a Fug Monster came in to sign a contract to hold her wedding at our Facility. Now I'm not trying to be mean - well maybe a little. But this poor unfortunate girl, with seemingly no personality is now planning her wedding.


Granted if I sit back and evaluate the situation I can resolve a few things....
1) I don't want to look like her
2) Although I haven't seen him yet, I'm pretty certain I don't want her fiancée
3) And based on the little information she gave me her wedding will be ugly.

I'd say 95% of the time I am very content with my life. I answer to no one but God, I go where I want, when I want, and with whomever I choose. I love my life.

But there are moments like today when the Fug monsters of the world come out to let you know that even they have found someone to spend the rest of their life with as you stay alone with your "happiness".

It's at these times where I start to think "why did I let the chiropractor go?" or "why couldn't I get over myself and resolve the issues with whats his butt's friend that I really did like?" or my favorite, "why did I waste so much time on him?"

But even as I'm having this conversation in my head. I am working late, getting more hours which equals more money, driving myself home - stopping to pick up a salad at Wendy's, and coming home to flip channels between the basketball game and Samantha Who reruns.
Answering to no one.

I guess things could be a lot worse. I could be ugly.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Distraction...

What do you drink with dinner?:
Water or Dr. Pepper

What do you dip a chicken nugget in?:
bbq sauce & sweet and sour

What is your favorite type of food/cuisine?:

What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Catch & Release, An Affair to Remember, The Holiday, The Wedding Date, & Recently added - Dedication.

Were you in sports in high school?

Were you a boy/girl scout?
for a very brief moment I was a girl scout - but those little hookers had big mouths.

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?:

Ever gotten a speeding ticket?:
I used to have a perfect driving record until the stupid Kansas City, Missouri Police Department screwed it up in 2006 with their older than Methuselah officer at the bottom of a hill!!

Ran out of gas?
Once in high school, when my friend Erica was driving her boyfriend's truck that had a broken gas gage. Nice!

Favorite kind of sandwich?:
A sandwich made with that cheap Carl Budding Lunch Meat

Best thing to eat for breakfast?:
Cap n' Crunch Berries

What is your usual bedtime?:
Between 12 and 1:15AM

Are you lazy?:
at times

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?:
an extrovert if I know you already or you are coming into a situation I am comfortable with. New people - a freakish introvert

What's your favorite mixed drink?:
I like X Rated Straight - don't bother mixing it with anything

When you were a kid what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I don't remember

Do you read the newspaper?:

How many languages can you speak? English, a little bit of sign language, enough French & Spanish to get myself in trouble and/or lost.

Do you have any magazine subscriptions? 2, although I got a sweet deal via email today from Conde Nast publishing to get a year's subscription for Bon Appetite and Gourment for $24 total. Sweet huh? Trying to decide if I should take it.

Is Fabio ugly?:
Not just ugly....Fugly

Which are better Legos or Lincoln Logs?

Red wine or white wine?:

Are you stubborn?:
stubborn/passive aggressive

Who is better...Leno or Letterman?:

Watch a soap opera?:
do Ugly Betty or Gray's Anatomy count?

Afraid of heights?:

Sing in the car?:
fo sho!

Dance in the shower?:

Dance in the car?

Ever used a gun?:
yes a few times

Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?:
sometime last year with Audrey at a Wedding

Are musicals cheesy?:

Is Christmas stressful?:

Ever eat a pierogie?:
yes - a tasty little treat.

Favorite type of fruit pie?:

Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?:

Do you believe in ghosts?:

Ever have a Dejavu feeling?:
Yes, I had it tonight

Take a vitamin daily?:

Wear slippers?:

Wear a bath robe?:

What do you wear to bed?:

First concert?:
dc talk

Any tattoos?:

Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?:
depends on what it's for - But normally Target

Nike or Adidas?:

Fritos or Cheetos?:

Corn nuts or sunflowers seeds?:

Ever heard of "gorp?":
like the witch's stew?

Ever take dance lessons?:
when I was a little girl

Is there a profession that you picture your perfect future spouse to have?

Can you curl your tongue?:

Ever won a spelling bee?:
Yes, in 6th grade

Have you ever cried because you were so happy?:
I cry for everything! Even when Monica has bad hair days. hehehe

5 words that describe you?:
Funny, Witty, Amusing, Hysterical, & Funny

Own any record albums?:

Own a record player?: no

Regularly burn incense?:

Ever been in love?: yes or at least I thought I was

Who would you really like to see in concert?:
NKOTB or Madonna

Hot tea or iced tea?:

icedTea or coffee?: Iced Tea

Favorite kind of cookie?:
Homemade Chocolate Chip

Can you swim well?

Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?:

Ever had braces or a mouth piece?:

Are you artistic?:
a little

Are you patient?:

DJ or band, at a wedding?:

Ever won a contest?:

Have plastic surgery?:

Which are better, black or green olives?

Can you knit or crochet?
I wish I were that talented

Best room for a fireplace?:

Want to get married?:
Eventually - yes

Thursday, May 15, 2008


It's true. I made it through last week without dying. Yay! I can't think of anything witty or brilliant to say right now, so this post will be brief.

Thanks to all who submitted their choices for the actor who would portray them in my Lifetime Movie of The Week. You have inspired a writing idea that will hopefully grow into something fantastic that I can send to Jeff - almost a year after the initial request. (Yikes!)

So anyway, thanks - I'm sure I will turn to you all again if I hit a road block. :-)

I promise to write more soon

- Drine

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lifetime Movie of the Week

I think I might be on my deathbed. It started Sunday night with what I thought was food poisoning. But has continued through Monday, and now on to today, Tuesday. WebMD is one of the greatest and worst things to ever be created. I've narrowed down my illness to one of 3 things. I either have kidney stones, a ruptured tumor, or appendicitis. Many have suggested that I visit a doctor, but as I said to Melissa earlier today..."I'd rather not know, that way my death will be more heartbreaking."

Which then lead us into the conversation of my life and death as the Lifetime Movie of the Week.

In discussing this with Melissa we began to figure out who would play who. Please all of you commit this to memory because I really want my last wishes to be respected.

The Cast is as follows:

Sandrine: Gabrielle Union (It's my prayer that I look like her and have her body in Heaven)
Wanda (My Mom): Angela Bassett (Unless she has a different idea)
Grandma: Cicely Tyson
Nicole Ritchie: as herself
Jilted Gay Boyfriend: Josh Groban
BFF Melissa: It's my wish that Charro play Melissa - but she didn't see too enthusiastic about it. We're still trying to decide who it will be. **Due to complaints by BFF Melissa, her character will be played by Bridget Moynahan.** **Due to more complaints and scheming by BFF Melissa, she will play herself and will try to make a play for my Jilted Gay Boyfriend**
BFF Monica: Will be played by Sela Ward
BFF Lindsay Harmon: Bridgett Wilson-Sampras
BFF Jennifer: Chyler Leigh (also known as Lexie Grey on Grey's Anatomy)

*** Note that failure to assign you a character or part is not an intentional dig at you, hmm mmm KEITH*** The characters listed just happen to be those that I communicate and interact on a daily basis, as the sentence in the paragraph below suggests, you simply need to tell me who you would like to play you.**** With that being said, the role of Crazy Politc obsessed, Rocker Friend Keith will be played by Sean Astin.

That's just a starter. If the rest of you have someone in particular that you would like to play you, please let me know.

The story line will go as such...A beautiful happy girl living a wonderful life suddenly takes ill. She knows it's fatal, but does not share with her family and friends. Once she is so ill that she can no longer hide her sickness and impending death she reveals to her friends her deep dark secret. She has a twin sister, that was given up for adoption. Her twin sister is Nicole Ritchie, but she was so sickly and unattractive when she was born the family thought it best to give her away, lest she be the shame of their family.

Her friends go to great lengths to reunite the sisters, which includes breaking into a Good Charlotte concert and doing an impromptu number with the boys. New friends and Old friends forge a bond in the midst of their sadness and will link them together forever.

At the end of the movie the girl dies...of course, but the funeral is a beautiful celebration. New Orleans style with the big band marching down the street. All of her friends give moving Ugooglies (Zoolander Shoutout!), and her jilted Gay Boyfriend realizes after singing one of the most beautiful & moving songs that he indeed is not gay and was in love in her all along. At which point Charro - or whoever plays BFF Melissa will try to kiss him. The closing scene will be her Mom, Grandma, Ugly Twin Sister, & Bff's sitting in lawn chairs around the graveside laughing and ordering drinks for the bar that's been setup, glasses are raised, tears are flowing, laughter is boisterous as they say..."To Sandrine".

I think this one might win an Emmy. I'm just saying....

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Coming and Going

More times than not when you leave something - like a job it is for good reason. But occasionally there are times, when it just feels like it's what needs to happen. It's not that things are bad, or that you don't enjoy it. It just simply feels like time to make that next step.

4 years ago I decided that it was time to stop moving and "settle down" into one place. Unlike most people I have the opportunity to go back and revisit that world at least once a year. And there it is, with all of it's flaws, ridiculous policies, and ways of doing things, and I can't help but love it. While in the midst of this world I find myself questioning if leaving was ever the right thing. Now that I'm settled what do I have to show for it? Has staying in one place netted me anything more?

I don't know why I continue to subject myself to this once sometimes twice a year, when I know that being here, and leaving here will make me miss my former life and long to return to it. Maybe this is where my heart truly belongs. Maybe it's just familiar.

Either way I'm ready to feel again. I've been stagnate, just hanging out biding my time. And while there are aspects of my world that I love, I am neither passionate, nor in love with what I do.

There's got to be something more....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Swapping Lives

Last week in attempt to keep myself from finishing off the book that the Book Club is reading I went to the store and picked up two books. One was the new Jennifer Wiener book, Certain Girls, and the other, Swapping Lives, by Jane Green.

I am now in the midst of reading Swapping Lives...the basic premise is this, A single 35 yr. old English journalist trades lives with a married w/2 kids housewife in America. Both being excited to see how the other lives, the single girl pining for the marriage, the home, the kids, and the Housewife pining to find herself once again and escape the rut her life is in.

It's quite an interesting story. Today I am having my own "swapping lives" experience. Kind of.
Upon returning to San Antonio I decided to move in with my grandparents because 1) It's free room & board 2)I have no clue how long I'll hang around San Antonio and 3) My grandparents are awesome. Anyway, this week my Grandma is in Tennessee with my Mom and I don't get to escape until Wednesday. In the mean time I am stuck with my grandfather, who although completely competent acts helpless when my Grandmother is around. So yay! I have to deal with him, although while she's gone he for the most part remembers that his hands, arms, feet, & legs all work and amazingly can cook his own meal, carry it to the table, go back and get anything he forgot, and he can wash dishes! I should record this!

But I digress....

Every Sunday my Grandmother has my uncle, his wife and 2 kids out to our house and cooks dinner and almost always bakes something. I of course figured with her being out of town no one was coming over. That is until 9 this morning when my phone rings. Me: (Groggily) Hello?
Uncle: Hey! Me: What do you want? Uncle: Well, you know usually we come out there every Sunday and Grandma cooks, I was wondering if you were going to cook for us today. Me: (Pause....pause) Uncle: Hello? Me: Uh yeah whatever, come over.

So I commence cooking for the famn damily. I decided to make Lasagna and then get break and bake cookies along with some ice cream. It isn't until they are almost out here that my uncle mentions that his wife has stayed home and it's just he and the girls. Translation...In addition to cooking, you are expected to look after the 7 yr old and the 2 yr old.

It's 8:42, they are leaving, the kitchen is a mess, my ears hurt from the screaming and the ridiculous stories that don't make sense, and I'm pretty sure the dogs have been fed at least 2 chocolate chip cookies.

I love my family. And I absolutely adore my 2 little cousins. But I am SO happy they are going home and when I wake up in the morning the house will be quiet and the only person needing my attention, will be me.

To all you Moms - You deserve an award...seriously. To all you single girls pining to get married...get over it. Enjoy your singleness and while you're at it, give the Mom's you know a day off take their kids, clean their house...whatever. I'm sure they'll appreciate it, and you will find a new appreciation for your marital status.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I wonder....

I know that things in most movies make no sense whatsoever. Most movies aren't logical. But today I had a weird and random thought....

In scary movies when people are running from killers, wild animals, or their knife wielding sister, and they are crying shamelessly with snot running down the face...WHY does no one EVER pee on themselves?

I mean I've been scared enough to almost pee on myself. I've seen my bff Shana be so scared that she did pee on herself.

It just seems like a horror flick would be a smidgen more believable if someone peed on themselves. Not that psycho leprechauns and rabid flesh eating squirrels are really believable....

I'm just saying.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Saving this as something else

Erma Bombeck is quoted saying"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say, "I used everything you gave me".

I have that quote at the end of all my emails. But today I find myself asking this question, "Am I truly using all of the talent that God has given me?" To be honest I find that I am not. While I have things that I am good at, I am truly living up to my full potential? Am I doing the things that I am gifted to do, or am I simply doing the things that require the least of me?

My dreams are big & my talents are many. I don't say that in a boastful way - we all are gifted and talented in so many ways. But what good is it if we are not actively using those talents?

My challenge to myself and to you is this, find the things that require your talent. That doesn't necessarily mean your job. It can be a variety of things in life. But whatever you talent is, find it, use it. I imagine that it is a liberating and and satisfying feeling.

I'd be interested to hear what your talents are and how you are using them. (That just felt like a very Oprah like sentence, but I'm going to embrace it)

Happy Adventures!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I am in serious need of a new picture - for all of my various web pages that have a lovely profile picture of yours truly. But here's the problem.... I HATE ALL OF MY PICTURES! Well , not all of them - just those taken recently. I used to be so photogenic! I'm not sure what happened.

I'm sure Melissa will be one of the first to tell you that upon seeing a new picture of myself my response is as follows..."Awwww.....blech!" (Blech being the gagging sound)

So my dilemma is do I accept or learn to love my pictures? Or anyone have any great abstract ideas?

On a totally random side note...Who's in for the NKOTB Reunion? Since 95% of my friends have expressed interest I'm thinking a trip for one of their concert tour dates might be a great idea.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Unlikely Friends

I have a random friend. And most people don't even realize that the two of us are friends. For some reason we are content with that. But this unlikely friend is a good friend, and I appreciate him.

The End

*** On a totally random unrelated side note I think everyone should visit my friend Keith's blog, Mr. Keith (the link can be found over there ----------->) and encourage him to give up Georgia and move back to Texas.***

Thank you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Just creepy

Today my friend/co-worker Lindsay H. and I had an appointment with a linen company. We were looking at samples and getting a price quote for the linens at Lindsay's wedding reception. We were both familiar with the company and the owner since 1) Lins signed them as an advertiser in our book and 2) They are one of the 4 vendors that do linens at our wedding facility. We know that they have a good product at a good price.

In hindsight we should have known or had an inkling what we were walking into having dealt with/met with their staff before. But even with that, nothing could have prepared us for what we experienced.

Their "office" is in an industrial shopping center, if you will. Next door to some sort of chemical mixing company. I was a bit thrown for a loop when we walked to the front door and were greeted with, not a door but a baby gate. And walking towards us, was Trailer Park Barbie. Complete with a ratty bun on the top of her head, a lime green tank top, dirty jean shorts that had a whole in the thigh, and house shoes. OK, I can deal with that. The baby gate opens and we walk into HELL. No I take that back - I'm not sure the devil would hang in a place that trashy. I'm not sure what color the carpet ever was because it is so dirty that it might be pink or it might be brown. There were linens piled high on tables, and I'm pretty certain we never saw the actual top of the desk.

A cute little dog and a gray cat ran around - the dog biting at Lindsay's toes under the desk and the cat trying to get in the chair with me. I think Trailer Park Barbie (now to be referred to as TPB) could sense my discomfort with the cat in chair, or perhaps it was my screaming that clued her in, and she removed the cat from the office. In addition to the animals TPB had her very cute 2 year old there, who's feet look like she had spent 2 weeks walking in mud, sporting dirty pj's, and a dirty diaper.

** Do you hear the Deliverance music - battle of the banjos - playing???

Needless to say there was lots of kicking, hitting, & pinching by Lindsay and I when no one was looking. ESPECIALLY when the owner and her daughter TPB got into a hollering match across the building about - and I quote, "Learning how to plug the damn credit card machine by yourself".

When we left the only thought I had was how badly I wanted to for sure wash my hands and even possibly take a shower too. And then I had this whole thought that I felt like maybe a flea had jumped on me and as soon as I got home I needed to steal the dog's flea dip and douse my head in it. FYI - I didn't give myself a flea dip, but I did wash my hair.

I don't know if we'll actually use them for Lindsay's linens but I do know that I will NEVER EVER try to go over to meet them at their office again if at all possible.

Why oh why must people live that way????

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Wait for the funny

A friend and I have decided to pull off one of the greatest practical jokes on another friend. I feel secure in sharing this with you because A. The friend to be pranked doesn't know I have a blog and B. If he did he has the old one.

I digress....this prank was actually done by another friend of mine to someone else a few years back, and because it worked so marvelously I am giving it a go.

** The Prank**

An ad is placed in the community paper (ie. The San Antonio Current) or online (Craigslist) that someone is giving away a free pet monkey. For whatever reason they need to give it away and it needs to be to a good family, of course. The ad is closed out with the persons name and phone number.

Now, we're not a 100% sold on this one, although I have to admit that it is one of my favorites. So if you have anything more brilliant and can get it to me in the next 48 hours we will begin Operation Marcel (the Monkey on Friends) on Tuesday, April 2nd. And I will let you know the funny that unfolds.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Here I am! At my new blog home! Hopefully this one will stay nice and neat, and will never have imperfections greater than a typo.

Here's some random news....Tonight when I got home there was a lizard - a salamander to be exact laying on the Recliner in the Living Room. For someone who lives in the country - I know that this is strange, but I have no tolerance for lizards, grasshoppers, crickets, spiders, basically any creature that's not a dog.

I'm not proud of this, but I actually had a complete freakout tonight having that stupid thing in here! I got home at approximately 8:45 and in desperate need to go to the bathroom, but because I would have to walk past it I held off going to the bathroom until 10:15 after I was sure the thing was dead.

I tried to call family. My grandparents were at church, my uncle on the other side of town - who happened to be without a car at the moment, & my Mom, who lives in Tennessee. Only my Mom was subjected to the complete meltdown which included lots of screaming and mindless chatter. My Mom finally convinced me to go on the attack, but my heart was beating so fast I knew that there was no way I could do it by myself. So I got her on the phone and made her listen, while I went screaming like a banshee across the living room with a broom in hand to attack the defenseless salamander. I managed to break the broom and cut off the poor things tail, but I failed at killing it.

So I retreated back to the middle of the kitchen where I had been standing for the last 30 minutes. Meanwhile the tail-less salamander had sought refuge underneath the recliner. I was able to hold out until my grandmother got home - hoping that once she and I got the dogs out of their kennel they might go on the attack and save us from the grim duty of finishing off our little friend.

Unfortunately for our little friend he made an appearance before we got to the dogs and Grandma went after him with the broom that hadn't been broken. I felt a little sad for him. But only for a minute - I got over it real quick.

I know these things eat bugs and save us from other little creatures, but SERIOUSLY! Did God have to make them so creepy looking? I know I'm totally irrational when it comes to creatures, and I'm thinking about getting some help. I should at least be able to kill them without a major freakout. RIGHT?