Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm a bad blogger

I know! It's been weeks since I've updated and weeks upon weeks before that last one. Not that there's isn't anything going on. In fact there's too much going on, none that I'm ready to share with the world yet though.

So what can I tell you? I can tell you that I'm in a reading frenzy. I just finished a book, Hopeless Romantic by Harriet Evans. It was a great book and long. It last a whole 4 days! I've been reading a lot of books lately where the main character has some sort of relational issues. And sadly with each one I think "I'm that girl!" Even sadder - they all have different issues, which means I need to get into therapy ASAP. Not really, because even with my issues more times than not I find that I'm very content with where I am relationally.

I have decided however in recent weeks that I am cutting back on the married friend time. Nothing against them. I just need to be around people who are where I am in life and who haven't been struck with amnesia and have no recollection of what single life was like. Yes, I'll fall in love someday, but not today. And no I don't want you to "find me a husband" nor do I want you to think that you've found my perfect match just because you know a guy who's single, and I'm single therefore we are made for each other. I am constantly amazed by the people that friends and acquaintances want to fix me up with. I want to say "Do you even know me???" How did you think this person might kind of sorta be my type? It's moments like those that a convent and a retreat center hidden in the Himalayas sounds so very appealing.

I'll let you know when I find the retreat center and where to forward my mail soon...

- Drine


Anonymous said...

First off, thank Jehovah on high that you have updated because I was getting bored.

Second off, BRAVO! Why do married people think just because some guy is single that he qualifies as a good husband? I too understand your pain. For instance Becky told me she wanted to introduce me to some boy at her church. Why you ask? Not because she knows him and we have lots in common. Not because he's a millionaire and I'll never have to work. Not because he's a musician. Nope none of those things. What did she know about him that made him a great match for me? He's single. WOW. Isn't Flava Flav single? Oh wait isn't like every guy that's ever been on the bachelor single? Oh and don't forget Gene Simmons - he is technically single. Wow, yep that is a great reason...

mp said...

ha ha, that is so me. i love to play matchmaker and force people upon people. "What do you mean you didn't like Matt?? Are you crazy!!! Go out with him again. Try to like him." Yep, that's me. But reading this from your side, I'll try to be better :)

Good to hear from you!

Melissa said...

OK, OK, OK. I get it...

1. UPS man is still HOT but it's alright, I won't try to even fix you up with him. He even had Gabe's seal of approval. (on'y b/c he called Gabe "little player") But, um...what's his name again?

2. I hear you on the character issues. With every book I read I'm thinking...I could have written this!

3. Cutting back on married friend time? (sniff, sniff) is that why I haven't heard from you?

I get it, I get it...

Erin K. said...

LOL - this sounds like a lot of phone conversations I've had with Andrea.