Tuesday, May 27, 2008

FugMonsters Need Love Too

Today a Fug Monster came in to sign a contract to hold her wedding at our Facility. Now I'm not trying to be mean - well maybe a little. But this poor unfortunate girl, with seemingly no personality is now planning her wedding.


Granted if I sit back and evaluate the situation I can resolve a few things....
1) I don't want to look like her
2) Although I haven't seen him yet, I'm pretty certain I don't want her fiancée
3) And based on the little information she gave me her wedding will be ugly.

I'd say 95% of the time I am very content with my life. I answer to no one but God, I go where I want, when I want, and with whomever I choose. I love my life.

But there are moments like today when the Fug monsters of the world come out to let you know that even they have found someone to spend the rest of their life with as you stay alone with your "happiness".

It's at these times where I start to think "why did I let the chiropractor go?" or "why couldn't I get over myself and resolve the issues with whats his butt's friend that I really did like?" or my favorite, "why did I waste so much time on him?"

But even as I'm having this conversation in my head. I am working late, getting more hours which equals more money, driving myself home - stopping to pick up a salad at Wendy's, and coming home to flip channels between the basketball game and Samantha Who reruns.
Answering to no one.

I guess things could be a lot worse. I could be ugly.


mp said...

things could always be worse.

what if you called up one of those people's and say "hey how about another shot?" especially the one that you said you wished you could've worked out the issues with.....

Melissa said...

LOL...oh Sandrine. I know you have a fear of ugly people, so did you run and hide when she came thru the door?

Anonymous said...

There is someone for everyone - if you want them. I know this because Ugly Betty at one time loved that schmuck Walter.

The fact that Ugly Bride's wedding is going to be ugly is a clear indication that her life is ugly. She is probably excited because she knows this is the only opportunity she will ever have to be the center of attention and hang on the arm of a man that she probably hates or will end up divorcing in 3.2 years after she's popped out 2 kids that won't make the local Olan Mills proud portrait wall.

I say all that to say - I know some days are harder than others, but all those nothings of stupid boys from the past are just that - temporary distractions or lapses in judgement - definitely not your Mr. Darcy.

If you really want to spend your life with someone, I can sign you up for a cornucopia of dating sites and screen them to make sure they aren't like Punji - or whatever his name is that Bob & I spied you out to lunch with in Tampa.

However, this is the time of your life. Being single is great. Do you really want to go home to some Frank every night & have to deal with his laundry & cook his meals while he forces you to watch something stupid like a bass fishing tournament?

I think your life is just starting to get good and if you can find a place that fits right for you career wise then people like Ugly Bride will never bother you.

PS - if you wanted to move to Dallas I would be alright with that.

Wanda said...

FugMonsters need love, but the main problem is they attract ugly people too and sometimes special people. Take it from my years of age and wisdom, WAIT!! One day, your prince will come! He'll be tall,handsome and wealthy! He'll love your Mother and wait to build her a house in your backyard so she can be close to you and her adorable grandbabies!! What a wonderful guy!
p.s. don't sign up for any of those dating sites dixie mentioned...danger will rogers, danger!!

Anonymous said...
