Saturday, December 13, 2008


I feel like I'm in easy to like person. I've never had an issue making friends. However, on the rare occassion that someone doesn't like me, I do one of two things. I either continue on with life and I don't give it a second thought or I look at it as a gauntlet being thrown and make it my mission to have the said person come to a place where they absolutely love and adore me.

A friend of mine has a frienemy. The frienemy has issues, it's obvious. But at the same time you can't help but to feel a little inclined to him. The first time I encountered him I thought we got along great. Only to find out later he hated every minute of it. (I personally think this is a lie from the pit of hell, but whatever, I'll let him have it). Our next encounter was without a doubt a good time, and if he says differently I will hit him. But I still feel like he is on the fence regarding me. Most people would not waste the time trying to engage this person. But I see it as a challenge. We will be friends. He will love me. I will become his bff.

His frienemy tells me that I need help and not to waste my time, which only inspires me more. I might change my mind, I might want to push him in traffic by next Saturday, but I will at least try.

If you have any advice, please share. And, I'll keep you posted on my progress. :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Shake it like a what?

I read the following on today...

"Sixty years after Polaroid introduced its first instant camera, the company's iconic film is disappearing from stores. Although Polaroid says the film should be available into 2009, this is the final month of its last production year. Eclipsed by digital photography, Polaroid's white-bordered prints -- and the anticipation they created as their ghostly images gradually came into view -- will soon be things of the past."

How sad is that?? I mean I love the digital camera, but I REALLY LOVE the Polaroid! Some of my most cherished pictures are polaroids! I even offered my polaroid photography at my friend Lindsay's wedding, when she was looking for a photographer. (I've got mad polaroid skillz just in case you were wondering) There is something so magical about taking a picture and getting something in your hand that is blank and gradually changes into a magnificent picture with just a few shakes.

My 8 year old & 3 year old cousin will never know the magic of a polaroid picture! Not to mention that "Shake it like a Polaroid picture" will mean absolutely nothing to them! I'm trying to decide which is sadder.

So while I am mourning the passing of the Polaroid, I suppose I should give a shout out of thanks to Andre 3000 for memorializing the fun of "shaking it like polaroid picture".