Saturday, December 13, 2008


I feel like I'm in easy to like person. I've never had an issue making friends. However, on the rare occassion that someone doesn't like me, I do one of two things. I either continue on with life and I don't give it a second thought or I look at it as a gauntlet being thrown and make it my mission to have the said person come to a place where they absolutely love and adore me.

A friend of mine has a frienemy. The frienemy has issues, it's obvious. But at the same time you can't help but to feel a little inclined to him. The first time I encountered him I thought we got along great. Only to find out later he hated every minute of it. (I personally think this is a lie from the pit of hell, but whatever, I'll let him have it). Our next encounter was without a doubt a good time, and if he says differently I will hit him. But I still feel like he is on the fence regarding me. Most people would not waste the time trying to engage this person. But I see it as a challenge. We will be friends. He will love me. I will become his bff.

His frienemy tells me that I need help and not to waste my time, which only inspires me more. I might change my mind, I might want to push him in traffic by next Saturday, but I will at least try.

If you have any advice, please share. And, I'll keep you posted on my progress. :)

1 comment:

mp said...

send him cookies! homemade ones. keep making him like you :)