Saturday, May 16, 2009

Death of the Book

I know we are living in a world that is insistent on making life easier and accessible all times. You can talk to anyone at any time, update you status, change your flight, and communicate with your entire family with the simple click of a button. I will freely admit I love the advances in technology. I am guilty of of being "connected" at all times.

With that said - I love books. I love the smell of books. There is something so great about getting on a flight, sitting on the beach, or being curled up on the couch on a rainy day with a hefty book. Little books I'm sure are equally good, but there's something about the hefty book that makes me feel like I'm "really reading". Sadly the days of the "the book" are numbered. Everywhere I turn I see or hear about someone lounging around with their Kindle. Kindle this, Kindle that. It makes me ill. If you have a Kindle I mean no offense to you, but I must admit the idea of the Kindle itself offends me greatly and it saddens me.

The days of hanging out in the library and bringing home a bag full of books, wondering how you are going to read them all before they are due are numbered. Mindless afternoons wandering around Borders, Barnes & Noble, and Half Priced Books are numbered. Soon, even those dumb Harlequin romance books that middle aged women purchase will be considered "antiques" because they are actual books. Now if the thought of the Kindle doesn't offend you, the thought of anything with Fabio on the cover being considered an antique or a classic should be offensive.

And for those getting ready to say "Books will never go away", I would like you to please find me a current 45", an 8 track, or even a cassette tape.

So in summary....Video Killed The Radio Star, like Kindle Killed The Book.

Thank you and good day. I said GOOD DAY!