Monday, October 20, 2008

Burnin Up

It's a slow burn. I heard something and I took it with a grain of salt, almost dismissed it. But the more it has been expounded upon, the more I think about it, the more it starts to burn me up. Maybe it shouldn't. Maybe I'm overreacting. And yet it feels totally justified to be this pissed off. Maybe it is my fault, maybe I should know better. Then again, if you know me, you know.

The reality is I have myself to blame, so I guess that takes away my right to be pissed. And that just pisses me off more.


mp said...

i am queen of overreacting. i make things a bigger deal when i shouldn't. and then i think about it all day everyday till months or years go by and then i forget.

sorry for your slow burn. f it and let it go. (i should take my own advice!)

Tiffany said...

I just took this class about Emotional Intelligence. Turns out I am lacking in my rational skills and tend to linger in the emotional realm of brain activity. Its depressing and will take years of therapy and practice to change this. In the meantime I continue to get pissed off about things I cannot change and continue to lash out instead of voicing my true feelings, etc. I'm a mess. And now I have reproduced. I just hope I don't pass the emotionally retarded gene to the unsuspecting fetus swimming around my uterus. Poor kid probably never had a chance.

Sandrine McCurdy said...

Tiffany! First - apparently I have that same issue. I thought maybe you were substituting Sandrine for "me" in your description! Second - you are hysterical! I'm glad to know I'm not the only freakazoid out there!