Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm obsessed

I love Vampires. I always have. Why you ask? I'm not sure. So I've actually been avoiding reading Twilight. All of the hype I knew it was going to be a dissapointment. But then yesterday, as I was walking around the store looking for a book to read and there it was. I tried to ignore it, and then I saw it had been marked down. "Read Me! Read Me!" I couldn't resist, so I bought it.
Yeah...I started reading at 4pm yesterday afternoon. I finished at 4:45am. I stayed up all night reading this book. I can't decide if the book is just that good, or if I was just that bored. Haha! But here's what I do know - I love Edward Cullen. I'd probably go all stupid like Bella too.
Now I'm off to pick up the next book in the series, but this time I'm pacing myself! Man I love Vampires!

1 comment:

mp said...

yay! i'm glad to have another friend to talk about my obsession with! i read all 3 books in about a week, seriously. then got book #4 the day it came out and read it in a few days as well.

you have to see the movie now. have you seen the trailer? look it up on youtube!