Sunday, March 30, 2008

Wait for the funny

A friend and I have decided to pull off one of the greatest practical jokes on another friend. I feel secure in sharing this with you because A. The friend to be pranked doesn't know I have a blog and B. If he did he has the old one.

I digress....this prank was actually done by another friend of mine to someone else a few years back, and because it worked so marvelously I am giving it a go.

** The Prank**

An ad is placed in the community paper (ie. The San Antonio Current) or online (Craigslist) that someone is giving away a free pet monkey. For whatever reason they need to give it away and it needs to be to a good family, of course. The ad is closed out with the persons name and phone number.

Now, we're not a 100% sold on this one, although I have to admit that it is one of my favorites. So if you have anything more brilliant and can get it to me in the next 48 hours we will begin Operation Marcel (the Monkey on Friends) on Tuesday, April 2nd. And I will let you know the funny that unfolds.



mp said...

i'm not sure. you might need to call tbs funny and see just how funny this is. lol!

what about the poor guy who really wants the free monkey?

I think it's hilarious.

Melissa said...

a monkey!?! That's hilarious!

The Gomez Family said...

Too funny...Let us know how it goes. I use to be a prankster, but i really don't have any updated ones. I just remember the old shaving cream or tooth paste on the neighbors car, toilet paper trees or car, peanut butter on the door knobs,etc. One thing we did not do was the poop in the trash bag. That is disgusting, but it still happens. :)

Tiffany said...

I read in your blog that your mom is in TN. I was wondering where. I can't believe she lives so close. I have seen billboards for the Graham festival. Small world indeed!

Erin K. said...

Oh boy does this bring back memories!! Please let us know how it all turns out. :-)

Don said...

Good luck on the prank.

Anonymous said...

Did this ever happen? I would like details please. If you haven't done it yet & still need ideas I have a couple for you...