Thursday, April 10, 2008

Saving this as something else

Erma Bombeck is quoted saying"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say, "I used everything you gave me".

I have that quote at the end of all my emails. But today I find myself asking this question, "Am I truly using all of the talent that God has given me?" To be honest I find that I am not. While I have things that I am good at, I am truly living up to my full potential? Am I doing the things that I am gifted to do, or am I simply doing the things that require the least of me?

My dreams are big & my talents are many. I don't say that in a boastful way - we all are gifted and talented in so many ways. But what good is it if we are not actively using those talents?

My challenge to myself and to you is this, find the things that require your talent. That doesn't necessarily mean your job. It can be a variety of things in life. But whatever you talent is, find it, use it. I imagine that it is a liberating and and satisfying feeling.

I'd be interested to hear what your talents are and how you are using them. (That just felt like a very Oprah like sentence, but I'm going to embrace it)

Happy Adventures!


Melissa said...

It's hard to judge if you're truly using all your talents. I know that I'm not but I'm trying. And I think that what counts, is that we're all trying to make our talent well, ours.

mp said...

i don't even know what my talent is? i still don't know what i want to be when i grow up. all i've known my whole adult life is kids and marriage. i'm pretty good at parenting and being a good spouse but there's gotta be more to my life. i just don't know what.

i like to eat. what can i do with that?

Tiffany said...

I am struggling with this very issue...

Anonymous said...

#1 I can't believe you would even refer to the anti-christ in your post.

#2 - you have yet to discover all your talents - all kidding aside you have many and haven't even skimmed the surface of them.

#3 - mine well I actually do have talents other than being so funny & cute, but I have some things I'm working on not even you know about that I hope to reveal to you in the near future. I have dreams, kid, big dreams, but not like the ones Vivien has in Pretty Woman - just so we're clear on that...