Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Upside Down

This is how I currently feel. Have you ever been on a path, just living life only to wake up one day and feel like you are in the Twilight Zone? The last week and a half have been my Twilight Zone. There are normal things happening around me, regular life stuff, so I know I haven't lost my mind. There have been happy things and things to celebrate and I think those are things that have kept me sane.
The other stuff? It's all just too bizarre to put into print. Give me a call sometime when you are ready for a, laugh till you cry and the scratch your head as you wonder what the heck just happened, moment.
I know that "they" say trials build character, but what does insanity build? I'd like to think that in some way I will be a better person on the other side of all of this insanity. But I can't think of how it would make me a better person.
As I type insanity has reared it's unstable head and is messing with my relatively calm evening.
Did you know....
That when insanity is around you shouldn't drink coffee - it's a stimulant and in the midst of crazy it messes with your nervous system
That your heart rate can increase rapidly in a matter of seconds when the insanity starts?
You are more likely to sleep better if you have a glass of water and say a prayer over the crazy before you retire for the evening?
(**please note these are not the opinions of doctors, nor professionals - just simply Sandrine-isms)
I don't know how to cut the crazy, but I have to. Somehow, someway! Isn't the Twilight Zone only a 30 minute show?? Cause my 30 minutes passed about 20 episodes ago!


mp said...

it's only a 30 min. show but it used to come on every single night with new episodes :)

we are all crazy and insane, it's happening to all of us.

Anonymous said...

I'm so confused. What's going on?