Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dumb Americans

The Washington Post recently did an article surround the book, The American Voters Revisited. In the 60's four professors from the University of Michigan did a study of the American voter. They found that many Americans are uninformed and clueless as to what their party and/or chosen candidate stood for.

Now almost 50 years later it appears that Americans remain unchanged. We are just as ignorant if not more so regarding their parties and where the candidates stand on the issues - or even what the issues even are. They are simply voting a certain way because that's the way the parents/families have always voted.

Could this be why we are losing our status as one of the most powerful nations? Are we making a mockery of all that our troops have fought for and are fighting to protect? As we come upon this election I challenge and encourage everyone to dig deep. Find out what your candidate is about. What are their plans for our country? How will those plans effect you, your children, and your parents.

To be perfectly honest there are things that I don't like at all about my candidate of choice, I disagree with his stance on some of the issues. But in my heart, I feel like he's the right one for the job. Some of the issues even though they are bothersome to me are not the "real issue". In some regards I think we've become obsessed with trying to stop or cure, or even argue the symptoms, rather than dealing with the sickness itself. It is my hope that my candidate of choice will do just that. But time will tell.

With the state of our economy and the wars and rumors of wars surrounding us, we cannot afford to approach our politics flippantly.

The choice, truly is yours......


Monica said...

Mike never trusted you...BOOO!

Anonymous said...
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Sandrine McCurdy said...

This posting was not about candidates. It is simply about americans being ill informed on the things that are supposed to matter most to them. I am not here to push a candidate on you nor will I accept bashing of either candidate. If you can't find a more intelligent comment to leave other than "So and So BLOWS" then you really should find another blog to visit and leave comments on.

Mr. Keith said...

You're right. That's way so many people vote for one party or another.
Most Obama supporters aren't voting for Obama because he's the right man. It's because he's the Democrat.
Most McCain supporters aren't voting for McCain because he's the right man. It's because he's the Republican.
It is the fact that I have informed myself that I no longer support the Republican Party. They turned their backs on conservatives like me. So, in turn they can go to hell.
I'm looking to third parties that actually mean what they say.
Bob Barr is my choice because agree with him about 90% of the time.

Mr. Keith