Sunday, April 20, 2008

Swapping Lives

Last week in attempt to keep myself from finishing off the book that the Book Club is reading I went to the store and picked up two books. One was the new Jennifer Wiener book, Certain Girls, and the other, Swapping Lives, by Jane Green.

I am now in the midst of reading Swapping Lives...the basic premise is this, A single 35 yr. old English journalist trades lives with a married w/2 kids housewife in America. Both being excited to see how the other lives, the single girl pining for the marriage, the home, the kids, and the Housewife pining to find herself once again and escape the rut her life is in.

It's quite an interesting story. Today I am having my own "swapping lives" experience. Kind of.
Upon returning to San Antonio I decided to move in with my grandparents because 1) It's free room & board 2)I have no clue how long I'll hang around San Antonio and 3) My grandparents are awesome. Anyway, this week my Grandma is in Tennessee with my Mom and I don't get to escape until Wednesday. In the mean time I am stuck with my grandfather, who although completely competent acts helpless when my Grandmother is around. So yay! I have to deal with him, although while she's gone he for the most part remembers that his hands, arms, feet, & legs all work and amazingly can cook his own meal, carry it to the table, go back and get anything he forgot, and he can wash dishes! I should record this!

But I digress....

Every Sunday my Grandmother has my uncle, his wife and 2 kids out to our house and cooks dinner and almost always bakes something. I of course figured with her being out of town no one was coming over. That is until 9 this morning when my phone rings. Me: (Groggily) Hello?
Uncle: Hey! Me: What do you want? Uncle: Well, you know usually we come out there every Sunday and Grandma cooks, I was wondering if you were going to cook for us today. Me: (Pause....pause) Uncle: Hello? Me: Uh yeah whatever, come over.

So I commence cooking for the famn damily. I decided to make Lasagna and then get break and bake cookies along with some ice cream. It isn't until they are almost out here that my uncle mentions that his wife has stayed home and it's just he and the girls. Translation...In addition to cooking, you are expected to look after the 7 yr old and the 2 yr old.

It's 8:42, they are leaving, the kitchen is a mess, my ears hurt from the screaming and the ridiculous stories that don't make sense, and I'm pretty sure the dogs have been fed at least 2 chocolate chip cookies.

I love my family. And I absolutely adore my 2 little cousins. But I am SO happy they are going home and when I wake up in the morning the house will be quiet and the only person needing my attention, will be me.

To all you Moms - You deserve an award...seriously. To all you single girls pining to get married...get over it. Enjoy your singleness and while you're at it, give the Mom's you know a day off take their kids, clean their house...whatever. I'm sure they'll appreciate it, and you will find a new appreciation for your marital status.


mp said...

haha this is funny. while i'll have no problem doing all that for my own children/husband...i couldn't imagine doing it for anyone else. you rock for pulling through and doing it! i so would've made up an excuse because that's how lazy i am.

p.s. i want to read both of those books. i just finished reading my best friend's was really good.

Melissa said...

I'm on a book buying ban per BK so I'm so jealous you're reading those!

And I have to say, only spending a few hours with Gabe, I still don't know how Monica does it.

Mr. Keith said...

Sooo, you're trying to get me to leave GA, and you're not even sure how long you'll stay in TX? Hmmm.

Sandrine McCurdy said...

Mr. Woodson,

I'm only debating leaving because you are staying in Georgia. Although, I'm pretty certain I'm staying here in SA for a while.

Anonymous said...

How sad is it that you are the only friend that doesn't think something has fallen on my head for rejoicing in my singleness. You know as time goes on I start to think they are jealous of me & the fact that I am not tied down to a Frank or some rugrats & they only say those things because they wish they were too.

Ahh the liberation is a wonderful thing!!


Mr. Keith said...

Mr. Woodson is my father. Oh wait, Jahovah Harold is my father, nevermind.