Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Poindexter or Old Navy Lady???

So in true Sandrine fashion - as only I can do, I lost my glasses on friday night. How you ask? I hung my head out of the car window to "spit" my gum while on San Pedro late at night/early morning and instead my glasses were caught by the wind and flew off of my face. Nice!

For those of you that don't know me that well, I am BLIND. I don't mean Stevie Wonder blind, but close. Like the first thing I do in the morning is reach for my glasses so I can make it out of the room. People always ask - are you farsighted or nearsighted? The answer is yes. I've been in glasses since the age of 8 and near or far - it doesn't make a difference anymore it's all a mess.

So, my good buddy Joan drove me home, being that I couldn't drive myself - being that I can't see and all. Saturday morning revealed what I knew in the back of my head, I didn't have a backup pair. (I think I broke those too) BUT, I did have a great pair of prescription sunglasses. I sported those to go get my eyes checked and get new specs. Can someone tell me why I am the only person in the world who goes to the 1 hour glasses place and NEVER gets her glasses in an hour? No, I get to rock the Stevie Wonder look through the weekend. Awesome.

Monday comes along and Whoop! whoop! It's time to go get my glasses! I go and pick them up and go along my merry way. (Insert scratching record sound here) Is it just me or are these glasses HUGE? I don't remember picking these out! The more I look at myself in the mirror, I'm pretty sure they aren't the glasses I picked out, so I take a pic on my cell and send it to my Mother.

Ring Ring!
Me: Hey
Mom: Why are you're glasses so big?
Me: Ok so I'm not crazy - I think they gave me the wrong glasses

So I go back - I tell the lady, "I hate these, I don't think they are what I wanted". She of course is OH SO helpful and tells me to pick another pair and they will fix it. Once again I am the girl who's glasses are never ready in a hour so I have to come back the next day. Tuesday morning I call - "No ma'am they are not ready - we will have them at 3PM." Aren't they the ONE HOUR place???? So at 3PM I traipse into the store....

Ma'am - there was a problem with the lense - you're glasses won't be ready until sometime tomorrow. WHAT?????? At which point I am tempted to act like an outraged idiot, but I pull it together, take a deep breathe, channel my inner nice girl and reply, "Hmm - ooooookkkaaayyy, " (I might be playing nice girl, but I'm still sassy). "Can you tell me when they will be ready? I'm just tired of coming back and forth only to get the run around" The lady apologizes profusely and assures me that she will call the very moment they are ready.

Oh I'm playing the nice girl - but if my glasses aren't ready tomorrow.........

In the mean time - entertain yourself with the cell phone pic of the nasty glasses. I can't determine if they are more Old Navy Lady or Poindexter - I'm thinking PD.


mp said...

OMG those are huge! That is so funny!! I hope you get your correct glasses soon!!! LOL!

lydster said...

Ha! Love the photo - you look thrilled...

Melissa said...

LOL - OMG Sandrine. I love you but damn, those glasses are HUGE!

You remind me of that gadget lady from The Incredibles who wears glasses close to yours. Come to think of it, you could be twinkies.

I'm glad Joan drove you home. As soon as I read your first paragraph I though "Oh dear, how in the world did she get home?"

Erin K. said...

Ha! I love this photo - it's priceless.

And, I agree with Melissa. You look like whats-her-face from The Incredibles!

I hope you get your new glasses SOON!

Anonymous said...

That is funny. I got new glasses too!