Wednesday, January 14, 2009

To be titled at a later date

A few months ago I got a package in the mail from my Mother and included in the package was a newspaper article. The article included a picture of me and a friend that I have long since lost touch with. Let me take that back - I haven't lost touch with them, it was someone who at the time I felt like for my heart's sake I needed to intentionally cut out of my life.

That article has been sitting by the printer since I got it from my Mom, and I haven't given it much more than a passing glance. Until yesterday. Sometimes when life is at it's craziest or taking interesting twist and turns I think of this friend. So yesterday as I was flying around on this crazy roller coaster of my life I happened to glance over at the article. I sat looking for a long time at the two people in the picture and remembering what good friends they were, how much fun they had together, and how they encouraged each other. It then made me think of the "hurt" I thought my heart had endured, and I began to wonder if they had really hurt my heart, or did I misinterpret the situation and in turn hurt my own heart. Now all these years later I'm not so sure which one it is or was.

So I sucked up my pride and got in touch with the long lost friend. In their always gracious and kind way they picked up right where we had left off. I don't know that my heart is 100% recovered - I don't know if it was ever beaten up on the way I thought it was. But I know that at this particular time in my life - it's good to have them back.

1 comment:

mp said...

wow, so glad you contacted them! congrats on reaching out and taking a plunge!