Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Great Expectations

What if we just started to expect great things? What if we just anticipated that good things can and will happen? It's not an easy task. I think about the disappointment that can come with expecting. But right now I think that's a chance I'm willing to take.

I'm not expecting or anticipating any big thing. No surprises, no Prince Charming on my doorstep. While those would be nice it's not what I'm talking about.

I suppose what I'm talking about a place of surrender. Okay Jesus - I don't know what's ahead on this path, but I know that this is the path you've put me on, so there's got to be something good, something great up ahead, so I'll follow and anticipate something good. It might just be that I learn something new. Perhaps I will see things with a new perspective. Or maybe it's not about me at all.

I am expecting great things.


Erin K. said...

I'll expect great things too!

For me, a lot of times the issue is that I expect what I can get in my own power. For example, starting to blog again, there is a fear that I'll fail - that no one will come to my blog, that I'll eventually fizzle out with posting new content, that I'll say some really dumb stuff that I regret, etc.

But like you said, I have to surrender all of that. It's like the loaves and fishes - I have to put forth what little I have and expect that GOD will be the one to do great things.

I'm not sure if that's where you meant to go with this post, but you inspired some great thoughts in me tonight. :)

Sandrine McCurdy said...

Erin this is exactly what I mean! And I totally get the "I'm blogging in vain, no one will ever come look at it" feeling. Keep at it my friend. And with blogs and the rest of our lives, living in surrender and expecting great things is where it's at. :)