Monday, March 9, 2009

Puma in Training?

In the past couple of months I seem to be the Pied Piper to Young Men. And when I say young I mean, early 20's. I'm not sure how or why, but they seem to be finding me regardless of where I am or what I am doing. I don't have an issue with someone a few years younger, but 9 or 10 years is a bit much, when it's barely 21. The sad part is that they all have been completly adorable. But, I'm too scared I'll be on the next episode of "To Catch A Predator" with police jumping out of the bushes to give these guys serious consideration.

Am I being ridiculous? Am I a Puma in training? God knows I'm not old enough to be a Cougar!Should I be giving these youngsters a chance? I feel dirty even considering it.

I think I'm going to start carding guys as soon as they approach. For the record...single life is ridiculous. But a convent is more appealing everyday. I already wear black and white, almost every day. The only draw back is that Sister Sandrine sounds stupid. Actually I can think of more drawbacks than just that one. But that's another blog...


Monica said...

Sister Maria (as in Von Trapp) would be awesome. hehee.


Melissa said...

I think you'll look great in a Habit. But ya, there are TREMENDOUS drawbacks!

And NO, you are not a puma in training. You've just got "it" and all the boys are flocking to you.

mp said...

ha, to catch a predator! hilarious!

you must got it goin' on sista!