Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'll admit it, I'm judging you.

I consider myself to be a fairly open minded person. I have friends from all different aspects of life, traveling the path of life various different ways. It's part of what makes me love them all so much. How boring would this world be if we all followed my path and approach to life (One it really would be ridiculously boring as I tend to be boring as of late & nothing would be accomplished as I am all over the place in true ADD fashion).

I like to live in a judgement free zone. There are things that I don't agree with, things that I don't like, but I try to stay out of a place of judgement, which by the way is Biblical (Matthew 7:1 Do not judge, or you too will be judged). So here I am, with all these people that I love from different places, different faiths, different orientations - I guess you can say I'm proud of that. I don't know if that's good or bad, but that's not the point to this blog post.

Today I realized that there is a group of people that I judge, and I found myself very unapologetic about my judgement and felt validated in my judgement. I watched a "charity event" taking place today - the event was put on by a group (30-40 something) women with money. The moment I walked in I feel my self righteous judgment coming forth. The extravagance going into this event the hoopla, the hair, the makeup, the decor... "Wasn't this to benefit a charity? Where's the info on the charity? Oh on that small table? I'm sorry what does the rest of this have to do with the charity?" On and on it went in my head. Then almost as justification from a distance I saw people attending this event to benefit a charity walk without a second glance or thought by someone who could have used their charity of simply opening the door at that very moment.

So I here I stand in judgement, Due to the fact that they can give and then give some more to the issue, whether their hands "get dirty" or not. Getting my hands dirty helps but it doesn't always solve the issue. They are addressing the issue, just in a different way - right? What they are doing matters and helps. But really with all the excess crap? Couldn't you have saved on some of this other "junk" and put that toward the issue you are trying to help? Why aren't you talking about the issue? Why is there only a flier and a poster about it? Are you really doing anything?

So now I'm questioning myself - am I being a judgmental jerk? I know that the answer when I really get down to it is yes, but aren't I right in this situation? Am I really any better than them? And even if I am right - what is my judgement meriting them or me? The truth is, regardless of their financial status, clothes, event - they are just like me, and just like you. People who are doing life in this messed up world where the issues outnumber the people and they are doing the best they know how in every situation.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

unless they're like my mother-in-law who only donates to evade taxes. No joke.

But I agree with you on this post. I do the same thing, judge people because they give money instead of getting dirty. In the end, isn't the end result the same - it's benefitting someone?

I guess I need to stop being so "judgy".